Fire damper EKO-RBG1-2, EKO-RBG1-R-2 and EKO-RBG1-C-2 is P- and CE approved multi-blade damper intended for fire sectioning or as protection against the spread of fire and fire gas in ventilation systems. The damper is equipped with factory-fitted electrical actuator with spring return, end position contacts and thermal sensor. EKO-RBG1 is manufactured in sizes from 200x200 mm to 800x800 mm, in steps of 50 mm.
The standard EKO-RBG1 is manufactured of galvanized sheet steel (C2) with damper blades and casing of fire resistant material. Alternatively, the damper can be made of Zinc Magnesium ZM120 (C4), Zinc Magnesium ZM310 (C5) or stainless steel EN 1.4404.
Easy installation
Each damper is provided with a QR-Code to easily and quickly access installation, operation and maintenance instructions. The multi-blade damper is easily mounted on horizontal duct.
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